Prestavljeno: Bad Religion bodo v Cvetličarni nastopili 16. avgusta leta 2021

  • Hinzugefügt 07.07.2020 um 09:44
Prestavljeno: Bad Religion bodo v Cvetličarni nastopili 16. avgusta leta 2021

No, končno imamo nov datum. Identičen, samo druga letnica, ker 2020 ne obstaja.
Hvala vsem za potrpljenje. Z bendom smo res trdo delali na tem, da čimprej potrdimo nov datum, a smo morali čakati tudi na vse ostale organizatorje, da so potrdili potek turneje, kar je posledično zavleklo potrditev našega...
Vse že kupljene vstopnice za letošnji koncert avtomatsko veljajo za novi datum in vas vljudno prosimo, da jih obdržite za novi termin, saj nam s tem pomagate, da lahko koncert v letu 2021 izvedemo pod istimi pogoji, kot bi ga letos. Vračanje vstopnic in ponovna prodaja ter s tem povezana reklama nam dogodek podraži do te mere, da finančno ni več vzdržen, saj gre za ekskluziven klubski koncert, ki bi se že letos komaj pokril. Šlo je za češnjico na torti razprodanega PRH in omogočanje domači publiki, da po 22 letih vidi bend v Ljubljani.
Če se koncerta na novi termin res ne morete udeležiti, nam to do najkasneje 16.8.2020 sporočite na [email protected] in bomo s prodajalcem uredili vračilo kupnine.


Well, we finally have a new date. Identical, only the year is different, because 2020 does not exist.
Thank you all for your patience. We worked really hard with the band to confirm the new date as soon as possible, but we also had to wait for all the other organizers to confirm the routing of the tour, which consequently delayed the confirmation of our date...
All tickets already purchased for this year's concert are automatically valid for a new date and we kindly ask you to keep them for a new date, as this helps us to be able to perform the concert in 2021 under the same conditions as we would this year. The return of tickets and resale, as well as the related advertising, make the event more expensive to the extent that it is no longer financially sustainable, as it is an exclusive club concert, which would hardly be covered this year. It was about the cherry on the cake of the sold-out PRH and enabling the local audience to see the band in Ljubljana after 22 years.
If you really can't attend the concert for a new date, let us know at [email protected] by 16 August 2020 at the latest and we will arrange a refund with the seller.