Prestavljeno/postponed: Europa Cantat: Zbor Tenebrae bo nastopil septembra!

  • Added 14.07.2021 at 07:44
Prestavljeno/postponed: Europa Cantat: Zbor Tenebrae bo nastopil septembra!

Koncert zbora Tenebrae zaradi bolezni v skupini odpade.

Vsem, ki ste kupili vstopnice, sporočamo, da koncert prestavljamo na soboto, 11. september 2021, ob 17.00. Koncert bo v Slovenski filharmoniji. NUJNO: vstopnice, ki ste jih kupili za koncert v nedeljo, 18. 7., VELJAJO ZA KONCERT 11. 9.! V kolikor želite vračilo kupnino, pišite na [email protected].


The concert of Tenebrae choir is being canceled due to the illness within the group.

The concert is being postponed to Saturday, 11th of September 2021 at 17.00. It will be hosted by Slovenian Philharmonic.

IMPORTANT: tickets, that were bought for Sunday 18th of July 2021, will be valid for the concert on the 11th of September 2021.

If you would like to receive a refund of the purchased ticket, please contact the ticket provider through their e-mail address: [email protected].