La Juan D’Arienzo iz Buenosa Airesa 2018

Večer za ljubitelje argentinskega tanga – plesalce in neplesalce: milonga z živo glasbo - nastopom orkestra La Juan D’Arienzo iz Buenos Airesa – Argentine.

Orquesta Tipica La Juan D’Arienzo iz Buenos Airesa je trenutno najboljši tango orkester na svetu. Deset glasbenikov igra tradicionalni tango kot nasledniki orkestra legendarnega Juana D'Arienza – kralja tango ritma.

Orkester redno nastopa na vseh najbolj znanih in najboljših milongah v Buenos Airesu, v sklopu svojih številnih gostovanj po svetu pa so pred kratkim gostovali celo v Vatikanu pri papežu, ki je prav tako Argentinec in velik ljubitelj tanga.

Lani oktobra so že gostovali pri nas v Ljubljani in poželi ogromen uspeh, zato se ponovno vračajo k nam.

Poslastica za plesalce, ki boste lahko zaplesali na odlično živo tango glasbo v energičnih ritmih Juana D'Arienza.

Prav tako zelo atraktiven večer za tiste, ki še ne plešete, pa vas mika argentinski tango: pridite in poglejte, kako izgleda pravi argentinski plesni večer (milonga) z živo glasbo argentinskega orkestra La Juan D'Arienzo, najboljšega svetovnega tango orkestra.


Se vidimo 22. oktobra v Festivalni dvorani.

Vstopnice v predprodaji: 17 EUR

Na dan dogodka: 20 EUR


Orquesta Tipica La Juan D’Arienzo from Buenos Aires - currently THE BEST TANGO ORCHESTRA IN THE WORLD - is coming again to Slovenia, Ljubljana.
Excellent opportunity to listen and dance to their live music - performing as special guests at Milonga La Milonguita Ljubljana – special edition 2018.
Date: Monday, October 22nd, 2018
Time: 20.00 – 01.00
Place: Festivalna dvorana Ljubljana, Vilharjeva 11
DJ: Tango DJ Alenka Dermol
Entrance fee: 17 EUR - early bird price
20 EUR - at the milonga entrance
La Juan D’Arienzo is currently the best tango orchestra in the world: 10 talented young musicians, playing tango in the style of the legendary Juan D’Arienzo. Their director and artistic leader is the bandoneonist Facundo Lazzari, whose grandfather was Maestro Carlos Lazzari, the bandoneonist in the original Juan D’Arienzo orchestra.
Excellent opportunity to meet the great orchestra in Slovenia, without having to go to Buenos Aires!
It was an incredible evening last year when they were performing for us, it will be the same this year.

If you are serious about tango, this is definitely the evening not to be missed:
Tango dancers - do not miss the opportunity to dance to this excellent music, a rare chance in our country!
Non-tango dancers (yet): come and see a real milonga in action and listen to the live music of the world's best tango orchestra, directly from Argentina-Buenos Aires! You will not regret it, for sure!!!

More info:

  • LJD 2018 FB cover