Josipa Lisac
40.00 EUR1. kategorija
37.00 EUR1. kategorija Discounted admission prices for people younger than 25, older than 65 and pensioners
36.00 EUR2. kategorija
32.00 EUR2. kategorija Discounted admission prices for people younger than 25, older than 65 and pensioners
30.00 EUR3. kategorija
27.00 EUR3. kategorija Discounted admission prices for people younger than 25, older than 65 and pensioners
26.00 EUR4. kategorija
21.00 EUR4. kategorija Discounted admission prices for people younger than 25, older than 65 and pensioners
 Buy tickets
from:21.00 EUR
to:40.00 EUR

30.00 EURizven I. kategorija
26.00 EURizven II. kategorija
26.00 EURizven II. kat. študenti
12.00 EURizven II. kat. študenti
 Buy tickets
from:12.00 EUR
to:30.00 EUR

36.00 EURCena

predprodajna cena/presale price

28.80 EURdijaki, študenti, upokojenci ob ustrezni predložitvi dokumenta
 Buy tickets
from:28.80 EUR
to:36.00 EUR

Novoletni gala koncert opernih arij
30.00 EUR2. kategorija
28.00 EUR2. kategorija Discounted admission prices for people younger than 25, older than 65 and pensioners
0.00 EURCena nič
35.00 EUR1. kategorija
32.00 EUR1. kategorija Discounted admission prices for people younger than 25, older than 65 and pensioners
24.00 EUR3. kategorija
20.00 EUR3. kategorija Discounted admission prices for people younger than 25, older than 65 and pensioners
20.00 EUR4. kategorija
17.00 EUR4. kategorija Discounted admission prices for people younger than 25, older than 65 and pensioners
 Buy tickets
from:17.00 EUR
to:35.00 EUR

Jesús Rubio Gamo & En–Knap Group & Zagrebški plesni ansambel: Gran Bolero
22.00 EUR2. kategorija
18.00 EUR2. kategorija Discounted admission prices for people younger than 25, older than 65 and pensioners
16.00 EUR4. kategorija
14.00 EUR4. kategorija Discounted admission prices for people younger than 25, older than 65 and pensioners
0.00 EUR5. Priklopni sedež
25.00 EUR1. kategorija
22.00 EUR1. kategorija Discounted admission prices for people younger than 25, older than 65 and pensioners
18.00 EUR3. kategorija
15.00 EUR3. kategorija Discounted admission prices for people younger than 25, older than 65 and pensioners
 Buy tickets
from:14.00 EUR
to:25.00 EUR

Jesús Rubio Gamo & En–Knap Group & Zagrebški plesni ansambel: Gran Bolero
22.00 EUR2. kategorija
18.00 EUR2. kategorija Discounted admission prices for people younger than 25, older than 65 and pensioners
16.00 EUR4. kategorija
14.00 EUR4. kategorija Discounted admission prices for people younger than 25, older than 65 and pensioners
0.00 EUR5. Priklopni sedež
25.00 EUR1. kategorija
22.00 EUR1. kategorija Discounted admission prices for people younger than 25, older than 65 and pensioners
18.00 EUR3. kategorija
15.00 EUR3. kategorija Discounted admission prices for people younger than 25, older than 65 and pensioners
 Buy tickets
from:14.00 EUR
to:25.00 EUR

45.00 EURizven I. kategorija
40.00 EURizven II. kategorija
 Buy tickets
from:40.00 EUR
to:45.00 EUR

33.00 EURizven I. kategorija
29.00 EURizven II. kategorija
29.00 EURizven II. kat. študenti
12.00 EURizven II. kat. študenti
 Buy tickets
from:12.00 EUR
to:33.00 EUR

29.00 EURizven II. kategorija
33.00 EURizven I. kategorija
29.00 EURizven II. kat. študenti
12.00 EURizven II. kat. študenti
 Buy tickets
from:12.00 EUR
to:33.00 EUR

29.00 EURizven II. kategorija
33.00 EURizven I. kategorija
29.00 EURizven II. kat. študenti
12.00 EURizven II. kat. študenti
 Buy tickets
from:12.00 EUR
to:33.00 EUR

SITI TEATER - Abonma za najmlajše 2024/25

Fri., 31. Jan. 2025

SITI TEATER - Abonma za najmlajše 2024/25

SiTi Teater BTC

Obvezna rezervacija vsaj 3 dni pred predstavo oz. do zasedenosti mest na 070 940 940 ali [email protected]!

AbonmajiSezona 2024/2025

 Buy tickets
39.00 EUR

Sezonska vstopnica 2024/2025
160.00 EURvzhod/zahod - novi
65.00 EURvzhod/zahod - novi
125.00 EURdružinski sektor - novi
45.00 EURdružinski sektor - novi
 Add to basket
from:45.00 EUR
to:160.00 EUR

Sezonska vstopnica 2024/2025

Tue., 25. Jun. 2024 - Tue., 25. Jun. 2024

Sezonska vstopnica 2024/2025

Rokometni klub Gorenje Velenje

 Add to basket
55.00 EUR

65. Jazz festival Ljubljana DNEVNA 11.7.2024
32.00 EUR1. kategorija
27.00 EUR1. kategorija Discounted admission prices for people younger than 25, older than 65 and pensioners
 Add to basket
from:27.00 EUR
to:32.00 EUR