Prestavljeno: koncert John Zorn New Masada Quarteta / Postponement of the concert featuring the John Zorn New Masada Quartet

  • Vpisana dne 06.07.2023 ob 09:43
Prestavljeno: koncert John Zorn New Masada Quarteta  / Postponement of the concert featuring the John Zorn New Masada Quartet

Spoštovane obiskovalke, cenjeni obiskovalci 64. Jazz festivala Ljubljana!

Koncert John Zorn New Masada Quarteta je zaradi bolezni v zasedbi prestavljen na 29. april 2024 ob 20. uri. 

Za novi termin bodo veljale iste vstopnice – dobro jih je shraniti.

Iskreno obžalujemo odpoved in vse z vstopnico za koncert John Zorn New Masada Quarteta vabimo, da se nam v petek 7. julija in soboto, 8. julija, brezplačno pridružite na koncertih v Parku Sveta Evrope (brezplačen vstop z vstopnico za prestavljeni koncert).

Če vam novi termin koncerta John Zorn New Masada Quarteta ne bo ustrezal, vam bomo izdali dobropis oz. vrnili kupnino (imetnikom festivalskih vstopnic pa sorazmerni del kupnine). Prosimo, da dobropis ali vračilo vstopnic uredite do 1. 3. 2024. Na [email protected] posredujte fotografijo oz. sken svoje vstopnice ali elektronsko vstopnico).

Lep pozdrav,

Cankarjev dom



Notice to 64th Jazz Festival Ljubljana visitors

Owing to illness, the concert featuring the John Zorn New Masada Quartet has been postponed on 29. April 2024 at 20.00.

If you have bought a ticket for this concert (including a festival ticket), please retain it, as it will be valid for the new date.

We would like to apologize sincerely for this cancellation and hope that you will join us at the concerts taking place on Saturday 8 July in Park Sveta Evrope (you may enter free of charge if you have a ticket for the John Zorn concert).

If you are unable to attend the rescheduled concert, you are entitled to a credit note or a refund. Please contact [email protected] by 1 March 2024 to arrange your chosen option. Please send a photograph or scan of your ticket or electronic ticket with your request.

Best regards,

Cankarjev dom